Du'Jeg får bare ondt af at se på disse tatoveringer!
Når du tænker på nogle af de mest smertefulde steder, der skal tatoveres på kroppen, er det sandsynligt, at du måske ikke har tænkt på brystvorterne. At's fordi de fleste mennesker ikke er't vovede nok til at få sådan et følsomt sted sprængt over med en tatoveringsmaskine. Uanset om du're en mand eller en kvinde, disse babyer er følsomme, og du har sandsynligvis aldrig drømt om at have en nål i nærheden af dem. Mange mennesker bider dog i kuglen og kugler til væggen, når det kommer til at tatovere og dække deres nip med blæk. Tjek nogle af de gnarliest og mest hardcore brystvorter tatoveringer, som du'd nok for bange til at blive.
Disse tatoveringer ser brutale men smukke ud
Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/10-pictures-of-tattooed-nipples-that-will-have-you-wincing-in-pain.png “title =” X-Rated “>
Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/10-pictures-of-tattooed-nipples-that-will-have-you-wincing-in-pain-2.png “title =” Flower Power “>
Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/10-pictures-of-tattooed-nipples-that-will-have-you-wincing-in-pain-3.png “title =” Eye Contact “>
Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/10-pictures-of-tattooed-nipples-that-will-have-you-wincing-in-pain-4.png “title =” Tribal Turtle “>
Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/10-pictures-of-tattooed-nipples-that-will-have-you-wincing-in-pain-5.png “title =” Black Out “>
Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/10-pictures-of-tattooed-nipples-that-will-have-you-wincing-in-pain-6.png “title =” Lots of Lines “>
Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/10-pictures-of-tattooed-nipples-that-will-have-you-wincing-in-pain-7.png “title =” Red Lies “>
Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/10-pictures-of-tattooed-nipples-that-will-have-you-wincing-in-pain-8.png “title =” Crimson Curse “>
Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/10-pictures-of-tattooed-nipples-that-will-have-you-wincing-in-pain-9.png “title =” Web of Wonder “>
Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/10-pictures-of-tattooed-nipples-that-will-have-you-wincing-in-pain-10.png “title =” Black Hole “>
Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/10-pictures-of-tattooed-nipples-that-will-have-you-wincing-in-pain-11.png “title =” Concentric Creation “>
Denne tatovering viser, at X undertiden markerer stedet.
I aktion!
Se en brystvorte blive blækket i aktion og beslutte, om du'Jeg har bolden til at tatovere din.