Mød Beauty Influencer, der tager æstetik til næste niveau

Ina Cano er en kunststudent, freelance grafisk designer og makeup -influencer fra Sarajevo, Bosnien. Hun's fik øje på skønhedsmærker som Kat Von D ved at bringe ægte kunstfærdighed ind i hvert eneste look, hun skaber. Hun har muligvis ikke den mest farverige portefølje i forhold til den anden MUA's vi'Jeg har imidlertid skrevet om, at hendes tekniske anvendelse og generelle seje pige -faktor stadig giver os store kuldegysninger. Tjek nogle af hendes udseende og don'glem ikke at følge med i næste uge's #muamoment.

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Tjek denne MUA

& lt; a href =Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/this-bosnian-beauty-is-a-favorite-of-kat-von-d.png “title =” Pretty Kitty “>& lt; a href =Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/this-bosnian-beauty-is-a-favorite-of-kat-von-d-2.png “title =” Artist's Muse “>& lt; a href =Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/this-bosnian-beauty-is-a-favorite-of-kat-von-d-3.png “title =” Smile For the Camera “>& lt; a href =Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/this-bosnian-beauty-is-a-favorite-of-kat-von-d-4.png “title =” Looky Look “>& lt; a href =Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/this-bosnian-beauty-is-a-favorite-of-kat-von-d-5.png “title =” Rust Sunset “>& lt; a href =Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/this-bosnian-beauty-is-a-favorite-of-kat-von-d-6.png “title =” Bad and Boojie “>& lt; a href =Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/this-bosnian-beauty-is-a-favorite-of-kat-von-d-7.png “title =” Laced Up “>& lt; a href =Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/this-bosnian-beauty-is-a-favorite-of-kat-von-d-8.png “title =” Front of the Line “>& lt; a href =Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/this-bosnian-beauty-is-a-favorite-of-kat-von-d-9.png “title =” White Out “>& lt; a href =Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/this-bosnian-beauty-is-a-favorite-of-kat-von-d-10.png “title =” Fall into Autumn “>& lt; a href =Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/this-bosnian-beauty-is-a-favorite-of-kat-von-d-11.png “title =” Frosty Fever “>& lt; a href =Foto via Instagram “src =”/images/this-bosnian-beauty-is-a-favorite-of-kat-von-d-12.png “title =” Vamped Up “>

Pretty Kitty

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M A K E U P D E T A I L S:


Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Palette

Kat Von D Tattoo Liner i Trooper

Black Magic Lashes i Raven


Anastasia Beverly Hills Dip Brow i Ash Brown


The Balm Highlite N' Med Tour Palette


Kat Von D Evig flydende læbestift i Requiem